Théâtre Aphasique provides dramatic art workshops to people with aphasia 30 weeks per year. These are workshops adapted for people with aphasia and consider individuals’ limitations and disabilities. The workshops encourage participants to acquire new skills to develop their independence and self-confidence.


Clientele: People with aphasia who show an interest in dramatic art and have little or no experience in the field.
Number of participants: Eight to fifteen people per group.

Meeting frequency: September to June, two hours per week.

  • Develop oral and comprehension skills
  • Increase self-confidence
  • Explore other communication skills
  • Speak to others and strike conversations
  • Improve verbal and non-verbal communication.

Content:Dramatic art games and techniques encouraging individual exploration of potential expressive and receptive channels: sounds, voices, movement, objects.

  • Hôpital de réadaptation Villa Medica (Montreal)
  • Aphasie Rive-Sud (Saint-Hubert)
  • Association des personnes aphasiques de la Mauricie (APAM), Trois-Rivières
  • Association des personnes handicapées physiques et sensorielles secteur Joliette (APHPSSJ)
  • AVC-Aphasie Laval (Laval)
  • APIA-AVC (Québec)

  • Mike

    Clientele:People with aphasia who show an interest in dramatic art or video.

    Number of participants: Eight to fifteen people per group.

    Meeting frequency:September to June, two hours per week.


    • Develop one’s creativity
    • Encourage interaction and listening skills
    • Acquire performance skills
    • Promote verbal and gestural spontaneity
    • Seek comfort in speaking to a public audience


    • Work on visual contact and listening
    • Oral and gestural improvisation
    • Performance
    • Writing exercises
    • Video production creation

    Location: Hôpital de réadaptation Villa Medica